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Reading Of The Minutes: Friday, February 5, 2010 at 7:30 PM
Thursday, November 23, 1967 (Thanksgiving Day)
“Now my precious ones, we ask you to take these Minutes and read them at home through the year. After this year we are going to have you TELL how many times you’ve read your Minutes during the year when you make your report. These Minutes are just like epistles which you read here which were written by the apostles, given by God through The Spirit, that the churches might be governed and guided after the apostles had gone. That’s what we are living by now, by what epistles, letters, and statements were by the Holy Ghost through the apostles. We are building on what they said and did, “…FATHER, MAKE THEM ONE…” And I know that when we’re trying to make a group of people ONE—we know that The Spirit of God is doing it and whenever we are doing anything else, it is NOT the Spirit of God that is doing it and I don’t want any part in it. Every man’s got to stand for himself and every one of you must give an account for himself. Amen. But the main thing is that AFTER death is the JUDGMENT. If you’ve used your portion of the natural life wrongly, you’ll be judged by those whom you have sought to harm—GOD HAS FIXED THAT.
Now I want to say to your with all fairness and firmness that if you don’t follow a leader and if you’re going to seek everybody else to condemn what a leader’s judgment is, - THEN YOU DON”T HAVE ANY LEADER. You’ve got to have a leader! If you have no reverence for your leader—when you disobey your leader, you become your own leader thinking God is leading you but GOD MAKES NO MAN HIS OWN LEADER! Therefore the Spirit of God in these last days is seeking to KEEP THE BRETHREN TOGETHER IN THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT.
I’ll ask Elder Powell to read for me the 4th Chapter of Ephesians. Read! “I THEREFORE, THE PRISONER OF THE LORD, BESEECH YOU THAT YE WALK WORTHY OF THE VOCATION WHEREWITH YE ARE CALLED, WITH ALL LOWLINESS AND MEEKNESS, WITH LONG-SUFFERING, FORBEARING ONE ANOTHER IN LOVE;…” This was the Apostle Paul writing to the fellow apostles where over the church. He said, “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love;…” That is the commandment which God has given us, you, who sit here with the faith that you have in His teachings for these last days. Read!
“ENDEAVORING TO KEEP THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT…” We’re “endeavoring to keep the unity” THE UNITY “of The Spirit.” We take up time when we ought to be talking about the LOVE OF GOD, NOT trying to find fault. IF we are going to fight one another, we can’t get anywhere. IF you overtake your brother in a fault, you’re to go that brother and tell him his fault between you and him alone. That’s what the Bible says. And if he doesn’t hear you, take another, just you two. Then if he doesn’t hear both of you, bring him to the church. That’s when you’ve found him IN a fault but when you trying to FIND a fault, that’s a different subject.
When you bring him to the church, the church must have two or three witnesses. A witness is not somebody who HEARS something. A witness is somebody who SEES something. If you don’t believe that, go over toe the Courthouse tomorrow! You don’t go there talking about what you heard or what somebody told you. If you do, they’ll set you down off the witness stand; they don’t have any time to fool with that junk. No one can tell what they hear the same way. You read the four Gospels of the four apostles and see if they don’t tell you the same story differently. THEY TELL THE SAME STORY DIFFERENTLY. They were witnesses of Christ but they ended up with the mission that Jesus came to carry out and that was YOU MUST BE SAVED FROM SIN, I don’t care how much you talk just so you’re saved from sin. That’s the end.
So it says here, “ENDEAVORING TO KEEP THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT IN THE BOND OF PEACE.” We’re endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace so that when we meet together, we all are one with the other and then we’re on with the SPIRIT OF GOD, which is LOVE. Weep if you see a brother who fails to make it because if you are making it, he can too. WEEP! You aren’t glad. WEEP! Amen. That’s the story. Read! “THERE IS ONE BODY, AND ONE SPIRIT, EVEN AS YE ARE CALLED IN ONE HOPE OF YOUR CALLING; “There isn’t but one body and the “body” means the “church”. The “Spirit” is “THE HOLY SPIRIT.” The “one hope of your calling” is that YOU MAY ONE DAY LIVE WITH GOD ETERNALLY. ALL OUR LABOR AND ALL OUR WORK IS THAT WE GET WITH GOD TO LIVE ETERNALLY. AND OUR DUTY IS THAT EVERYONE HELPS THE OTHER ONE. AMEN. IF YOU SEE ONE WHO IS WEAK, LIFT HIM UP; DON’T JUMP ON HIS HEAD! THIS IS GOD’S PLAN AND IT HAS BEEN MY WAY AND MY MISSION; IT IS THE WAY THAT I HAVE DEALT WITH PEOPLE. I DEAL WITH ANYBODY THAT WAY BECAUSE I KNOW I CAN’T HELP YOU UNLESS I SUFFER WITH YOU. CHRIST SUFFERED WITH US. HE CAME DOWN HERE AND WITH MEANNES AND HATEFULNESS, THEY TALKED ABOUT HIM; THEY LIED ON HIM. HE CAME ALONG HEALING THE SICK AND OPENING THE EYES OF THE BLIND; THEY SAW IT DONE AND YET, THEY SAID HE WAS A BEELZEBUB; HE DOES WHAT HE DOES BY THE POWER OF THE DEVIL. But God’s LOVE for them went to THE CROSS. While HE was dying and God was veiling the sun and shaking the rocks apart in the mountains and bursting open the graves—(God was ready to destroy them all) but He said, “FATHER FORGIVE THEM…” He wanted them to have a chance to live an THAT’ HOW, THAT’S HOW! If you’re not out to preach a Gospel of LOVE, MERCY AND LONG-SUFFERNING, THE DEVIL WILL UPSET YOU.
Read! (5) “ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ON EBAPTISM, ONE GOD…” There isn’t but one LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM AN DONE GOD AND HE IS THE GOD WHO COMMANDS YOU TO BE PERFECT! The “one faith” is the faith THAT YOU CAN BE PERFECT. The “one baptism” is not water but THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST. All the different churches have their different baptisms; many of them have different spirits but the Church of God HAS ONLY ONE and that is THE SPIRIT OF GOD. Read! “ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL, WHO IS ABOVE ALL, AND THROUGH ALL, AND IN YOU ALL.” One God is Father of us all; no division is supposed to be among us. That God is ABOVE all and through all and when He’s in you all, all of you are one. Its one mind and one Spirit because you can’t have but one that’s HIS. Read! (7) “BUT UNOT EVERY ONE OF US IS GIVEN GRACE ACCORDING TO THE MEASURE OF THE GIFT OF CHRIST.” Every one of you is GIVEN GRACE ACCORDING TO THTE MEASURE OF THE GIFT OF CHRIST.” Every one of you is GIVEN GRACE according to the measure that God’s
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