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The Church Of God At Williamsburg
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The Acts of Elder Lightfoot Solomon Michaux
The Church of God of Williamsburg would like to acknowledge our past founder, Elder Lightfoot Solomon Michaux. Elder Michaux was known as the “Happy Am I” preacher, but he was also a businessman. The Elder started out as a fisherman, but went on to fish for men’s souls, bringing them to Christ, by preaching to them the true word of God.
But Elder Michaux had a nose for business. Besides founding seven churches along the eastern seaboard he had a dream of cooperative farming. He wanted to have on a 400 acre tract of land, 80 farms of five-acre tracts each and build on them 80 homes of five to six rooms for families. The families would be supplied with cows, chickens, pigs, and seed to plant on the land assigned to them. The crop would be sold to the market and the proceeds would be divided equally after expenses. The families were to live there permanently, but they had to abide by the ideals of the National Memorial.

Elder Michaux's greatest accomplishment was the establishment of the National Memorial to the Progress of the Colored Race in America. He purchased some land along the Colonial Parkway near Jamestown, Virginia, on January 2, 1936. In August 1943, he purchased a second track of land in that area, and established the James City County Bible and Agriculture Training School Farm. Elder wanted the farm to be a place of training for delinquent young men. The National Memorial Park Beach and the farm were apart of the National Memorial to the Progress of the Colored Race in America.
Elder Michaux bought the farm because he said America would experience another depression. During this depression, he said, there would be plenty of money, but no food.
He always said that if the people of God could get to the farm and get a glass of milk, and a piece of bread, they would be able to survive.
In 1942, Elder Michaux constructed a luxury housing development for nearby black families. The first of its kind, the 595 unit in seventeen three story buildings, called Mayfair Mansions, was the first federally subsidized black housing in the nation.(Black Washington)
In 1961, Elder Michaux and his followers held a ceremony at the National Memorial Park Beach, commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of the last boat load of slaves that landed in that area in 1861.
These are just some of the accomplishments of Elder Michaux, who was a man of God, a businessman, and a person who cared about his people and all other people in the world.
Proudly submitted by The Church of God at Williamsburg, the Pastor, Elder Howard W. Smith, Sr., and the congregation, which currently holds its services at 209 Longhill Road, Williamsburg, Virginia, on Fridays and Sundays.
Now when it comes to his dealings with the 3 American Presidents. He is found in the Library of F.D. Roosevelt and Truman and we will share some of these documents with you to put on line.
He spoke of Eisenhower being the next president after Truman and there is a letter which is provided below for you to learn about Elder Lightfoot Solomon Michaux, the Happy Am I Preacher.
Now when you study the history of Mr. Eisenhower, he bailed the party and joined the Republic party and when President Truman's seven year service had come to an end just as the Elder said that it would be, Mr. Eisenhower ran and won the Election.
Read the letters below:
Read More About Elder Michaux Here
Take some time to watch Elder Lightfoot Solomon Michaux in action: